User Privileges

Basic Privilege Enumeration

  • Check current user privileges:

    • whoami /priv → Lists all privileges assigned to the current user. This is crucial for identifying rights that could lead to privilege escalation (e.g., SeBackupPrivilege, SeImpersonatePrivilege).

    Common Privileges to Look for:

    • SeBackupPrivilege → Allows the user to bypass file security to perform backups.

    • SeRestorePrivilege → Allows the user to overwrite system files, useful for file replacement attacks.

    • SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege → Allows taking ownership of any object, which can lead to control over important files or processes.

    • SeImpersonatePrivilege → Allows impersonation of a token, often leading to privilege escalation (common in token impersonation attacks).

    • SeDebugPrivilege → Allows debugging processes, typically restricted to admins. Can be used to inject code into privileged processes.

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